German-based company plans to demolish famous landmark

The Tinsley Twins taken on my mobile phone on my way to work

E-on, the German-based energy company, is to demolish the famous cooling towers in Tinsley, Sheffield.

The towers, at Blackburn Meadows, are 250 feet high and stand close to the M1, offering a prominent landmark to those travelling to and from the north of England. They serve as a reminder of the region’s proud industrial past which, like every other area of great British industry, has long since been destroyed by the anti-British traitors who control our country.

The towers will be demolished to make way for regeneration in the area, and it is said that their replacement will include a chimney which is even higher than the two iconic towers. A biomass power station is planned for the site.

The power plant which the towers had been part of was demolished in the 1980s, leaving only two of the eight cooling towers standing.

The decision to demolish the towers caused mixed opinions in Sheffield, with many people glad to see them go, and many others launching a campaign, including an online petition attracting more than 4000 signatures, to keep the Tinsley Twins. Ultimately this campaign was to fail.

Having worked in the area recently, I would see the towers on my way to and from work, and they were a great navigational landmark. It is a shame to see the end of something which many, myself included, believe should be preserved as a monument to British engineering, industry and as a tribute to everything which once made this country great but has been eroded away and destroyed by the pro-EU, anti-British traitors who now sit in Westminster and claim over-inflated salaries for doing nothing.

See more pictures of the Tinsley towers here.

Head teacher forced to apologise over Muslim comments

The head teacher of Kerr Mackie Primary in Roundhay, Leeds, was forced to apologise after he made comments about Muslims and bombs whilst defusing a playground argument between four Muslim pupils.

Jon Farley will now undergo “race equality training”, education chiefs have confirmed.

Mr Farley was told to “watch his words” after making the comments.

The family of the children concerned even complained to police, who investigated the matter. They recommended mediation, which the family have refused.

It’s amazing how police were able to respond to such a trivial matter, when one considers that they rarely respond to 999 emergency calls!

And will those Muslims who routinely say bad things against non-Muslims be forced to undergo “equality training”? Don’t hold your breath!

Gypsy culture commemorated

Doncaster is celebrating the first national Gypsy and traveller history month. This events was set up to recognise the contribution of gypsies to British culture.

School workshops will be held to study the world of gypsies, and there will be performances.

Mayor Martin Winter said: “Gypsies and travellers have had a massive influence on the artistic and cultural development of this country.”

What massive influence? Were they responsible for classical music, paintings, scientific discoveries and inventions?

More fishing rights for the French than the Brits

In typical EU fashion, the French have more fishing rights off the Yorkshire coast than British fishermen do. The latest move by the fish-grabbing French is an insult to our own fishermen, who face ruin whilst the French are able to fish our waters for whiting (which our fishermen cannot do) and also receive subsidised fuel (which our fishermen do not).

Recently, the St Josse, a 25 metre trawler registered in Boulogne, unloaded 500-600 boxes of fish at Whitby. The catch consisted of fish that our own fishermen are banned from catching under stupid EU quotas, including one and a half tonnes of mackerel and 300 boxes of whiting.

Local fishermen are furious about this (and who can blame them)? Would they have the right to go and plunder French waters like the French plunder ours? Will our fishermen go the same way as our farmers thanks to the French? (note that French beef was never banned even though that country had BSE in its cattle!)

Time to pull out of the EU and protect British fishing grounds for British fishermen and no one else.

More here.

Scarborough – or Warsaw?

Where are we – Scarborough, or Warsaw?

If you saw the job advert reproduced above in a newspaper, you could be forgiven for thinking you were in Warsaw, Gdansk or Crakow. However, you would be wrong. That job advert appeared in the Scarborough Evening News, which is the local paper of a North Yorkshire seaside resort.

Why the need for Polish adverts? There are many people in Scarborough who are unable (NOT UNWILLING) to find work, but obviously this particular employer has a desire to employ immigrants, as Polish is the dominant language on the ad, with English in smaller letters at the bottom.

There was a time when the local factories drew their staff from the local workforce, but obviously not any more. This is not a case of migrants doing jobs that British people refuse to do, this is a case of migrants being the target audience for local job recruitment. That has to stop.

“Metric martyr” butcher loses battle

A Rotherham butcher has lost his battle to be able to sell loose produce in pounds and ounces.

Edward Smith had been in disagreement with trading standards officers for several years over his refusal to stop selling produce in Imperial measures. However, a trading standards official arrived at Mr Smith’s shop yesterday with a warrant allowing him to inspect the scales. The trading standards employee then stamped a lead seal onto the Imperial scales, rendering them illegal to use.

The ever-meddling EU is responsible for introducing the law which dictates that all loose produce must be sold in European metric units rather than British Imperial ones. The traitorous UK government introduced the EU law in 2000.

Mr Smith vowed to continue his battle, saying that it was “important for British people to be able to do what they want to do without feeling oppressed.”

Rotherham Council said it had been illegal to sell lose produce in Imperial measures since 2000.

Every UK government since the Tory one led by Heath have caved in to unelected foreigners and dishonoured the memory of those who died to protect us from being taken over by foreign powers.

Visit the Metric Martyrs.

Curse of the Human Rights Act – Ripper wants freedom

In the ongoing saga of that monstrous legislation known as the Human Rights Act, we can report that the latest installment sees Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe using the legislation to try and win his release.

Sutcliffe was jailed after he murdered thirteen women and tried to kill seven others, but a human rights lawyer says that the Home Office has fallen foul of the law by never formalising the length of time Sutcliffe would serve in jail.

If this country had proper sentences then Sutcliffe would not be using the human rights act to try and win his freedom because he would have been hanged, but thanks to the woolly-minded, weak-willed and spineless liberal do gooders, we now have mass murderers being released, awarded compensation and generally being put before the law abiding people of this country.

More on this travesty here.

At last – someone talking sense on the Human Rights Act

It makes refreshing change to report someone talking sense on the offensive use of the Human Rights Act. For far too long, criminals have bleated and moaned about their human rights being violated if they suffer the slightest discomfort or inconvenience during the course of their punishment.

Now a West Yorkshire police chief has spoken out about the appalling use of the act by criminals. Detective Chief Superintendent Chris Gregg head of West Yorkshire Police’s Homicide and Major Enquiry Team (HMET) said:

“These criminals have committed such appalling crimes and it is the families of the victims and the bereaved who are left behind and have to suffer the indignity of hearing them claim their human rights have been breached. It is such an appalling situation.”

Mr Gregg has called for the use of the act to be balanced. “We have lost sight of the needs of the victims and the families here. It is deeply offensive when murderers and rapists use it (the Human Rights Act) and look for a loophole to only assist themselves,” he added.

“For hardened criminals to try to use this legislation as protection causes terrible offence to the families of victims who have suffered appalling and cruel deaths at the hands of those who are quick to talk about human rights but were so swift to take away the human rights of others.”

We completely agree. It is time the balance was tipped back in favour of the victims and their families.

More here.

The curse of the Human Rights Act

Zuzanna Zommer would be alive today were it not for the disturbing, pro-criminal interference of the Human Rights Act.

Fourteen year old Zuzanna was raped and murdered by a neighbour in Leeds, after Leeds council had been told they must rehouse convicted offender Michael Clark or else face court action for breaching his human rights. He had been deemed too dangerous to live in the city.

After murdering Zuzanna, Clark went off to Blackpool Pleasure Beach for the day.

This disgusting individual had a string of offences for violent sexual crimes, and he was sentenced to “life” imprisonment, being told that he must serve at least 35 years behind bars [but in reality will it be just two or three?]

It is time to tear up the pro-criminal, pro-terrorist, pro-lout Human Rights Act and instead give rights to those who want to live their lives without fear of being attacked in their own homes, in the street or on public transport.
More on the story here.

Bomb materials in flat

The three men accused of assisting the terrorists

Explosives were found in a flat used by the 7th July terrorists, a jury at the trial of three men accused of assisting them heard.

The Leeds flat contained explosives, wires and chemical residues.

Waheed Ali, 24, of Tower Hamlets, east London, Sadeer Saleem, 27, and Mohammed Shakil, 31, of Leeds, are accused of reconnaisance for the 2005 attacks. They deny all the charges.

The terrorists,who had travelled down to London, murdered 52 innocent people when they blew up three Underground trains and a bus.

Bomb making gear in the bath

The jury at Kingston Crown Court heard that bomb making equipment was scattered across several rooms of the house in Beeston, Leeds.

More here.