One third of “British” Muslims think killing is acceptable

A poll commissioned by the Centre for Social Cohesion has found that almost a third of “British” Muslim students think that killing in the name of religion is acceptable.

Also, almost half of those questioned wanted to see sharia law introduced in Britain and a third wanted a worldwide Islamic government.

However, Muslims have moaned about the findings, claiming them to be a “damning attack” on the Muslim community.

It is time that liberal woolly-minded do-gooders and their associates opened their eyes to the potential threat that these findings have exposed. No other religious group in the UK demands that their own rules replace our own, and no other has so many concessions and people bending over backwards to avoid causing them the slightest offence.

More here.

German-based company plans to demolish famous landmark

The Tinsley Twins taken on my mobile phone on my way to work

E-on, the German-based energy company, is to demolish the famous cooling towers in Tinsley, Sheffield.

The towers, at Blackburn Meadows, are 250 feet high and stand close to the M1, offering a prominent landmark to those travelling to and from the north of England. They serve as a reminder of the region’s proud industrial past which, like every other area of great British industry, has long since been destroyed by the anti-British traitors who control our country.

The towers will be demolished to make way for regeneration in the area, and it is said that their replacement will include a chimney which is even higher than the two iconic towers. A biomass power station is planned for the site.

The power plant which the towers had been part of was demolished in the 1980s, leaving only two of the eight cooling towers standing.

The decision to demolish the towers caused mixed opinions in Sheffield, with many people glad to see them go, and many others launching a campaign, including an online petition attracting more than 4000 signatures, to keep the Tinsley Twins. Ultimately this campaign was to fail.

Having worked in the area recently, I would see the towers on my way to and from work, and they were a great navigational landmark. It is a shame to see the end of something which many, myself included, believe should be preserved as a monument to British engineering, industry and as a tribute to everything which once made this country great but has been eroded away and destroyed by the pro-EU, anti-British traitors who now sit in Westminster and claim over-inflated salaries for doing nothing.

See more pictures of the Tinsley towers here.

MPs call for extradition of Hamza to be halted

MPs have called for the extradition of Abu Hamza to be halted on human rights grounds.

Hamza is due to be extradited to the US to face charges of terrorism. Another, Babar Ahmad, is accused of raising money for the Taliban.

However, the CIA has admitted that it “tortures” terror suspects, and this is the reason for the attempt to halt extraditions to the US. The CIA admitted waterboarding three terror detainees, and the UK ministers say this amounts to torture. The UK has signed up to a UN convention banning the return of individuals to countries where they face risk of torture.

It is time that those who run this country put the rights of law abiding citizens first. We should have the right to travel on public transport without the risk of being blown up in the name of religion. Those who support, carry out and condone terrorism should be stripped of all rights instead of being given more protection than the rest of us.

More here.

Traitor Brown makes Queen sign away British sovereignty

Brown – the latest in a long line of traitors stretching back to Edward Heath

Gordon Brown, the latest in a long line of government traitors, has ratified the controversial Lisbon treaty in a secret ceremony earlier this week.

The instrument of ratification was signed by the Queen, who was obliged to do so as Brown had signed the treaty, she was obliged to do the same. The treaty document was then put into a sealed bag and delivered to the Italian foreign ministry in Rome.

Brown now faces widespread revolt and the possibility of legal action after he forced the treaty into law without holding the referendum which had been promised.

How long before Ireland is forced to hold another referendum, this time ensuring that the “correct” answer is returned?

This traitorous, shambolic, spineless excuse for a British government should be voted out at the next election and replaced by those who truly have the best interests of this country at heart.

Police sniffer dogs will wear bootees, so Muslims aren’t offended

As people remember the 52 innocent London commuters who were  murdered three years ago by  Islamic terrorists, the police have announced yet another concession to  Muslims – that police dogs will be fitted with bootees when they enter Muslim homes. This is to avoid causing offence as Muslims regard dogs as unclean.

The bootees are already used when dogs enter mosques, and dogs would only be used to search Muslim homes in exceptional circumstances. Only last week Muslims were moaning about being searched by sniffer dogs at railway stations.

Muslims should realise that many people find aspects of their beliefs offensive – such as the ritual slaughter of animals – will this be banned to suit the wishes of the indigenous people of the UK? No, of course not.